Saturday, 9 April 2011

The Five C's

A friend/acquaintance asked me ’ how do i get better with girls’. I informed him that before i gave him any ideas/hints and tips he had to promise to not take advantage of girls and be honest and upfront with them, because when they cry thats not nice and no one needs that on their conscience! He agrred and so I asked do you want the looong complicated version or the short version… He requested the short version… I said part 1 is to read the book ’ The Game’ and then part 2: have fun, and dont care, and together that should be enough for anyone..
He came back to me a month later and went on and on about how it wasnt really working… I informed him i was worried he might say that so i have produced my own method the 5 C’s… He asked what the 5(It was originally 4 but for purposes of rounding up i made another one up for the blog) C’s were and i explained if he had the five C’s he could get any girl. He intently awaiting a response asked “What are these 5 C’s?”. Before i explain them to you here, can i just state this was me being self amusing and having lols. I was not being serious. I wish i told him this before he implemented the 5th C on numerous occasions.
So here are my 5 C’s:
1. C - harisma- If you are nice to people and make them feel good about themselves, they will like you. People like people who like them - You can either fake this, but i generally dont, firstly because im not very good at it, If i dont like someone or have no time for them im not very good at pretending i do. if i dont like someone for whatever reason i generally stay away from them. Just some extra notes saying the following lines does not work (This is where my experience can help you):
” I like you, you have big breasts”
“I like you, I would like to touch your breasts”
“I like you, One breast looks bigger than the other, and i like that about you, its like you’re keeping me guessing”
“My penis likes you”
“Youre fit, I like you”
I havent figured out why yet, but girls dont like it when u compliment their breasts until you have them in your mouth, this is not to say you should bite them and then say the above, I dont understand why this doesnt work either, i put it down to female logic (I will get into this point in another blog)
So being charming/nice will work on your friends, and people who already like you, or not very hot girls, on the occasion it does work with pretty girls you need to add the following C, or you may end up in the friend zone…
2. C - onfidence - If you are nice/charming as well as very confident, then you have got it!  This is the key to obtaining most girls. Most girls like fun, confident guys. Someone they can trust, and have fun with! Boom!!! does what it says on the tin…
On a seperate note a platonic friend once told me that this was all i had… I was persistent and confident, so clearly there is some magic in just these two C’s, but the next 3 C’s will help you with those 10% of other girls, because like I said the 5 C’s help you get any girl.
3. C - harlie Sheen. You can take this 2 ways… a) Cocaine but B) and i prefer this… Charlie Sheen is a drug of awesomeness that most people just cant handle, i mean their faces melt off, and thats the feeling you need to exude to those ‘super hot party girls’. The girls that get hit on by every other confident charming guy out there. You need to stand out, just like charlie sheen does/is…
The question you may be asking is: “Is it high risk?” or ”Wont people think im a mentalist” Answer: “Yes!!” and “Hell yes”. They could genuinely think you are a crazy mofo, or… different, you may know someone who you think is an absolute tool/obnoxious, but some people say “He’s unique” or “There is somet about him” And it may not make sense now or ever, but you need to just get Charlie Sheen’d up and just be out there, and just a bit too much for most people to handle.
Note: This will not be appreciated by most people/girls, and you could seriously have people start to think you are a total douche, which has happened to me, but i dont really care! (See point 1: this links very closely to being self amusing) Piece of advise: Get a few close friends who you truly value and appreciate and if they start telling you, “you are being a dick or going too far”, then maybe you are, but dont care what acquaintances or Peripheral friends think, life is too short to care what they think, or to dance with fat girls!
4. C-ondoms! Now lets say you dont want one of these stupidly hot club girls, but u have met this nice girl, and the first 2 C’s just arent working. She starts saying things like, You’re really nice but i dont know if we have a future, youre a bangladeshi, or a sikh, or American, or whatever reason she makes up in her head… This is where you get onto her level and totally agree..
 ”I see you are totally clever and know what you want in life, and i appreciate that I am not the guy you see yourself being with long term, its such a pity cos we get on sooo well (Part 1) and we have soo much fun and connect (Part 1&2)… If only people made something which means we could have fun and not waste this amazing chemistry we have, all without us getting married and you getting pregnant, thus requiring us to spend our whole life’s together”..
Now… we are assuming she is clever, intelligent and long term focussed, hence she should respond with a ‘hahahah’ indicating you have got 1 down, and just saying this means u are doing 2. This is when u kiss her… OR
She says… “Oh there is”…And you pray this conversation should lead to Condoms.. at which point you should kiss her…
OR.. she comes out with another  C - Conversion! Stay away from this one, it doesnt end well…Walk away or …. kiss her?? Whats the worst that could happen, u could end up becoming a bagladeshi??
5. C- Choloroform… Now i promised you would get all the girls with this 5 C program.. Now the first 4 C’s will get u 95% of girls BUT I always want what i cant have… thus leaving us with the cream of the crop… The girls who are immune to the above 4 C’s: I Like to refer to these girls as ‘lesbians’: They are the everest of mountains. Now i do not condone using this last C unless you cant get caught..
Sometimes girls just like to play hard to get (read : Lesbians) and for these girls a tiny bit of choloform can really help.. Some people prefer alcohol, but personally i dont like girls who drink alcohol.. and as i said i dont like it when girls cry and they dont when you use this C.. So there we have it:
A foolproof system to get any girl ever… Recap..
Be charming and confident
Be Charlie Sheen,
Use Condoms and Choloroform!
Winning - Warlock Stylie!!

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