So, the day before I flew out to America was pretty fun. It started off at lunch time, when I went to Hamleys with a work colleague and wow, Hamleys is a fun place. I always knew that I was and will always be a little bit of a kid at heart but this really brought out the inner child. It started off with walking round wide eyed, regressing at least 3 years in my head to a mental age of 13. As we walk around I overhear an employee ask another employee, a little too loudly: ‘Why would anyone have a tattoo of their name across their back (above the bum, is where she indicates with her hands). I take a step back into their space, and quip in: ‘Wellll… If she was a bit of a slut or a porn star and liked to say: ‘Whats my name?’ during sex, well then, if the guy does not remember but is playing the manly, alpha card, rather than him replying ‘Shut up Bi*&^’, which would be totally embarrassing or demeaning for one or both parties. He can now read the name (if he can read) on the back and be a respectful gentleman and respond with say ‘Lisa or Gemma or more likely Sparkles’, however this is not the only reason ladies, just the first that comes to mind, I’m sure there could be many more.
This not only got a laugh but one of the girls seemed to follow us around, and kept making conversation with us as we went and experienced all the varying fun presentations that were to be had. Maybe it was because we were inappropriate and looking at cool graphical displays for 5 year olds, like magic felt tip pens, which for the record: Its amazing how far science has progressed and what they can do with these now. We received three different visual presentations and were given the output of colourful displays to take away with us. I now know where I can buy awesome presents for kids. I officially cannot wait until I have kids, or friends have kids or I become an uncle and have an excuse to buy said pens, and obviously it is only fair to show the stated kid how to best utilise the pens in the most fun way possible. *Rubs hands*… Cannot wait to get my hands on those pens without any kind of judgement passed.
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