Thursday, 22 November 2012


I modeled recently and it experience. Got to have fun and catchup with some of my model friends.
Got to throw my blue steel around (backstage). Met a few nice people but most were easily offended and did not have an inappropriate sense of humour- suffice to say I didn't make that many new friends!

Friend 1
Friend 2

Blue Steel-ing with some of the Make Up Artists and male models

The low point was being around some of the models and, I shit you not, at one point they were talking about how many inches they had grown in the last 6-12 months. *Yawn*.

But what I noticed for the first time was some proper diva attitude/drama:

Minutes before a show, a model (who was placed 4th in line and shall now be referred to as Senior Model Diva (you will see why later), says, “I am not going out unless I am opening or closing the show!”
She walks off and refuses to go on and the outfits had to be exchanged between her and the last girl superquick!

Other greatmoments:

Model 1 (we’ll call her Bossy Model) to Senior Model Diva: Hurry up and get in line!
Senior Model Diva: Excuse me,who do you think you are talking to?
Bossy Diva: I don't remember your name!
*I LOLd at this*
Senior Model Diva: Have some respect for senior models.
Bossy Model: I have modelled as long as you and I am in charge of all the models. So shutup, hurry up, and get in line. We have to go out there!
Senior Model Diva blah blah blahs but gets in line.
Helpers to Bossy Model: Thankyou so much! We appreciate it. She is so hard to work with!
Day 2 and the attitude continues, interestingly enough between the same two Divas . . .
Due to impending time issues,a notice had been put up from the organisers telling everyone to stick around after the first show for a debriefing.
Despite this, Senior Model Diva getsready to leave after the first show.
Bossy Model walks overto the sign, slaps it and shouts: This is here in English for you to all see! All models stay here! It's in English!
Senior Model Diva: She has disrespected me just because English isn't my first language. (There were quite a few foreign models there)
With that, Senior Model Diva walksout.

Later . . .

Bossy Model comesstorming out of the room adjacent to the stage screaming and crying: I’m not just some c*%&. I'm working hard so what the f*&k? I am a professional. I don't need this shit!' 
She threw a shoe at a wall during this tirade! Apparently this was due to another run in with Senior Model Diva.
Then, two other models (just so that the drama had a bit of an ensemble) had a run in. One of the models accused another of the models of stealing her outfit and wearing it.

Finally there was this helper girl who I seriously would hire as my wedding planner or PA - she was so organised and 'on it'. A designer came and totally berated her for some minor misdemeanour that apparently wasn't even her fault. I felt sorry for her, so much so that i went and told her how I impressed i was with her. I bet by the end she started to regret actually volunteering for this work... Cray cray...

Some of these fashion people are crazy and, while I am insulting and have some attitude at times, this was a stark reminder of who I never want to become! Whilst others disagree I always felt there was definitely a thick line between self-amusement and being an actual asshole/diva. I have now seen the difference first hand! List of things to never do: Never throw a shoe at a wall in a public tirade.

An award winning designer whose name i forget, but who I had a lot of banter and fun with. A real down to earth lady too.

One of the models i really liked wore this. She has the fashion version of Stockholm Syndrome and likes the outfit - I might change her nick-name to 'Josephina'

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